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There’s No Need to Fear Your Root Canal Waterbury

November 3, 2015

man with a toothache needs a root canal waterbury can trustMany people use the phrase, “root canal” as a bad word. Root canal therapy has a reputation for being one of the most painful dental procedures, but advances in dentistry make root canal therapy no more uncomfortable than any other restorative dentistry treatment such as crown placement. The actual pain associated with root canals is not caused by the treatment, but the infection itself. In almost every case, pain and discomfort caused by root canal infection is significantly alleviated by root canal therapy.

What is a Root Canal Infection?

The term root canal infection is actually a bit of a misnomer. So named because many of these interior tooth infections begin with decay in the less dense tooth roots, root canal infection is actually an infection of the soft inner dental pulp. The pulp layer houses all of the nerves in the tooth. Nerves are the body’s pain receptors, so it comes as no surprise infection that irritates tooth nerves is extremely painful. Root canal infection most often happens in teeth that have been previously treated, cracked, fractured, or from roots effected by gum disease. Some of the most common warning signs and symptoms of root canal infection include:

  • Severe pain that does not subside even when the tooth is not used
  • Extreme sensitivity to hot or cold that does not abate within a few seconds
  • Tooth discoloration
  • Swelling, redness, and sensitivity in gums around tooth

What is the Root Canal Therapy Procedure?

Root canal therapy is the only way to restore a tooth with infected pulp. It’s important that patients seek the help of a dental professional as soon as they notice signs of root canal because without prompt treatment, teeth may be extracted. The root canal therapy procedure starts with the dentist removing infected dental pulp. A small access hole is drilled in the tooth, and a series of increasingly larger dental files are used to extract infected dental tissue. Once this is completed, the pulp is replaced with gutta percha, a biocompatible product that mimics the structural support provided by pulp. Finally, the affected tooth receives a crown to protect and fortify the treated dental structure.

Contact Your Root Canal Dentist Waterbury Smiles

If you’re experiencing any of the signs of root canal infection, don’t hesitate. Contact Waterbury Smiles today.

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