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Are You a Candidate for Dental Implants in Waterbury?

June 28, 2016

dental implants WaterburyDid you know that people who have lost one or more teeth are at an increased risk for developing gum disease? And that additional tooth loss generally follows the first missing tooth? It’s true — but choosing a sturdy tooth replacement can help to prevent these negative side effects of missing teeth. Dental implants in Waterbury replace the tooth’s root to create a stable base for the prosthetic tooth that rests on top. How does the procedure for dental implants work? And are you a candidate for dental implants? We take a look at these and other important questions related to implant dentistry in this week’s blog post.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are small titanium cylinders — sort of resembling a tiny screw. They’re surgically placed into the jawbone, where the titanium gradually fuses with the mouth in a process known as osseointegration. A temporary prosthesis is worn during this recovery phase. Once osseointegration is complete, the permanent tooth replacement is securely bonded or attached on top.Dental crowns, bridges, and full or partial dentures can be supported by dental implants.

The benefits of implant-retained tooth replacements are many. Some of the most common advantages of implant dentistry include:

  • Restored ability to eat, speak, and smile as normal
  • Stronger oral health with a prosthetic root
  • A more stable tooth replacement
  • Freedom from denture adhesives
  • When cared for properly, dental implants can last the wearer’s lifetime

Because they last for significantly longer than other options and promote better jaw health, many patients decide that dental implants are the best investment they can make for their smile.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

If you’re wondering whether or not dental implants could be the best solution for you and your smile, the only way to know for sure is to schedule an appointment with Dr. Marini or Dr. Mancini, your implant dentist in Waterbury. Ideal candidates have plenty of supporting jawbone structure and are in good overall health.

A healthy, whole jaw has plenty of room for the dental implants to anchor to and thus contributes to success dental implants. For patients who have already lost a significant amount jawbone due to their missing teeth, bone augmentation (such as a bone graft) may increase their eligibility for the procedure.

Because dental implants are placed surgically, patients should also be able to undergo and heal from an invasive procedure. Patients with health conditions affecting the immune system may need to consider non-implant retained options in tooth replacement.

If you’d like to learn more about how your smile can be completed with tooth replacement at Waterbury Smiles, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our office. Request your appointment to discuss implant dentistry in Waterbury today!

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