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Waterbury dental implants from Doctor Luciano Marini provide patients with many oral health benefits

October 3, 2015

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarini @ 12:03 am

Waterbury dental implantsWaterbury dental implants benefit patients missing one or more teeth. Looking, acting and feeling like real teeth, dental implants from Dr. Luciano Marini, Waterbury Smiles implant dentist, last for decades, restoring smiles for older teens through seniors.

Why suffer with failing or missing teeth? At Waterbury Smiles, Dr. Luciano Marini and his associate, Dr. Mancini, recommend modern dental implants as outstanding tooth replacement options for teeth lost to:

  • accident
  • severe decay
  • periodontal disease
  • congenital defect

Dental implants are artificial teeth from root to crown and are surgically placed right into the patient’s jaw bone for unparalleled stability, durability and aesthetics.

What are the benefits of Waterbury, CT dental implants?

The dental implant is composed of a titanium metal screw, inserted right into the jawbone during an inoffice surgical procedure. After some weeks of healing, Dr. Marini places a titanium abutment or post onto the implant and then bonds a custom-made porcelain crown on the post.

Because the implant device itself is made from titanium, it bonds exceptionally well to the jawbone through a natural process called osseointegration. In fact, the implant actually strengthens the bone and preserves it. This characteristic is unique to dental implants. Other tooth replacement options such as bridge work or traditional dentures set on the jawbone and do not provide the exercise the jaw needs to preserve its integrity.

Additionally, because implants go into the jaw, they do not require any support from adjacent teeth the way bridgework or partial dentures do.  As such, neighboring teeth do not require enamel preparation or wear and tear common to bridges and partials. In effect, single and multiple implants are self-supporting. Another great benefit of implants is that they may be used to anchor fixed or removable dentures.

Patients praise dental implants because they stop the tooth drift that occurs after tooth loss. Also, they enjoy the great excellent smile aesthetics implants afford. They are virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth, and  Waterbury implant-supported dentures and bridgework prevent the facial collapse and skin wrinkling that occurs when teeth are lost and not replaced. Patients also speak and eat normally, with none of the speech slurring and appliance slippage common to dentures.

Who can get dental implants?

People in good general and oral health may receive implants. The jaw must be of sufficient size and density for the implants to fully integrate into the bone. The Waterbury implant dentist often employs bone augmentation procedures for individuals who do not possess adequate bone structure.

In addition, while dental implants are initially more costly than other tooth replacement options, implants last indefinitely. Bridgework and traditional dentures require replacement every 7 to 10 years, costing patients more money in the long run.

Finally, while implants offer a high success and retention rate (over 90 percent), ideal candidates should not smoke as this degrades gum and bone tissue. Also, implant recipients must brush twice daily and floss around their implants each day, too. Poor at-home hygiene and infrequent in-office care leads to an infection called peri-implantitis which is similar to periodontal disease. Peri-implantitis may necessitate removal of implants.

Learn more about the benefits of dental implants

Do dental implants sound interesting and hopeful to you? Then, feel free to contact Waterbury Smiles for a personal implant consultation with Dr. Marini or Mancini. Ask questions,  and discuss your options with these skilled Waterbury implant dentists.

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