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Missing Tooth Replacement in Waterbury

February 10, 2016

missing toothAt Waterbury Smiles, your missing tooth or teeth can be replaced with either dental implants or crown and bridge therapy. Dr. Marini or Dr. Mancini will, of course, be able to help you determine the option that is best for you. Naturally, both dental implants and a crown and bridge have aspects that are pro and others that are con. Let’s take a look at some of the attributes of both.

Dental Implants in Waterbury

First of all, a dental implant consists of a titanium post that is anchored in your jaw to support a tooth restoration, which can be either a porcelain crown in the case of one missing tooth, or even a partial or full denture if you are missing several or all of the teeth along your upper or lower arch. Quality dental implants can last for a lifetime, and only require the same hygiene as your natural teeth—regular brushing and flossing with a soft toothbrush. Moreover, implants look completely natural and perform equally well as your own teeth; the implant and surrounding bone tissue bond to create a firm foundation similar to the one that existed between your missing tooth root and the bone.

Dental Bridge in Waterbury

A crown and bridge is an oral prosthetic that consists of crowns that are mounted on top of healthy teeth that abut your missing teeth. These crowns support the false teeth that span the gap in your smile. Once in place, a crown and bridge provides secure chewing ability and an effortless smile. Most of our patients find that with proper care, a crown and bridge can last for 10 to 15 years before needing to be replaced.

Contrast and Compare Your Options

  • A dental implant requires minor oral surgery to place the implant, while a crown and bridge does not involve a surgical procedure.
  • Crown and bridge therapy necessitates the alteration of other teeth, while a dental implant is a stand-alone tooth replacement option.
  • With good care and hygiene, dental implants can last for your entire lifetime, whereas a crown and bridge will eventually need replacement in all likelihood.
  • The crown and bridge process usually only requires two or three appointments spaced a few weeks apart. Dental implants, on the other hand, require several appointments over the course of a few months because of the healing time required after oral surgery.

Call Our Office Today

If you would like to consults with one of the dentists at Waterbury Smiles to decide which tooth replacement option is best for you, then contact our office to schedule an appointment. We serve the communities of Waterbury, Watertown, Middlebury, Naguatuck, Woodbury and Southbury.

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