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5 Foods to Avoid from Your Family Dentist in Waterbury

November 8, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarini @ 9:14 pm

What are the 5 foods your family dentist in Waterbury wants you to avoid?It’s almost lunch time and you’re a bit thirsty, so you immediately head to the vending machine to get yourself a soda. There’s just something about that sound when you open it that makes you feel eager and nostalgic all at the same time. However, did you know sugary drinks like sodas could be damaging your teeth every day? Your diet can actually have a big impact on your oral health, and there are 5 particular foods that are worse than others. Your family dentist in Waterbury, Dr. Luciano Marini, wants you to know the 5 foods you should avoid to have healthy teeth.

1. Sugary Drinks

Of course we just mentioned soda, but this isn’t the only sugary drink many people enjoy on a daily basis. Sodas, along with energy drinks and juices, are extremely high in sugar. Sugar is the fuel the bacteria in your mouth needs to create plaque that can cause tooth decay. Consistently drinking items with a high sugar content can accelerate this process and lead to the breakdown of your enamel. Also, sodas and energy drinks tend to be acidic, and this can also wear down your tooth enamel.

2. Coffee

Yes, your little pick-me up in the morning can harm your teeth. Coffee contains chromogens, which is a natural substance that can stick to and stain your teeth. Also, many people enjoy adding a lot of sugar to their coffee, and just like we talked about in #1, this can speed up the process of tooth decay.

3. Candy

We’re just talking about all of your favorites, aren’t we? Candy is, once again, high in sugar. Also, extremely hard candies take a long time to eat and need to stay in the mouth for an extended amount of time, exposing you to even more sugar. Particularly sticky candies can leave a film on your teeth that can cling to them and be hard to brush off later.

4. Ice

While not exactly what one would call a food, many people chew and eat ice every day. While it doesn’t contain any sugar, it can wear down and even break your enamel. Every year, thousands of people need to rush to the dentist’s office because they have damaged their teeth chewing ice.

5. Potato Chips

Potato chips are filled with starch, which causes them to become a sticky paste as you eat them and become trapped on your teeth. This gives the bacteria in your mouth more fuel and can be difficult to brush off later.

What Can I Do?

Now we’re not saying that you need to give up all of your favorite foods and drinks or your teeth are going to fall out. They key is moderation. You can still enjoy these foods, just make sure it’s only occasional (except ice). When you’re thirsty, simply drink water. This will help rinse off your teeth, and tap water often has fluoride. In fact, it’s a good idea to rinse your mouth out with water after enjoying any of these foods if you can’t brush your teeth.

Of course, the best things you can do to keep your teeth healthy are brush, floss, and have routine visits to Waterbury Smiles. Brushing and flossing will help keep your teeth clean day to day, and the occasional check-up and cleaning will be able to take care of those areas in your mouth that you simply can’t at home. Between moderating your diet and maintaining a consistent oral hygiene routine, you should have a healthy smile for years on end. If you would like to know more about what you can do for your teeth on a daily basis, please give us a call today.

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