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Resolution for Better Dental Health with Your Dentist in Waterbury

December 24, 2016

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: — drmarini @ 11:57 pm

Your dentist in Waterbury for better dental health.Your oral health plays a large role in your quality of life, as well as your overall health. Poor dental health can lead to imperfections in your smile, causing your confidence to decrease. Your dental health is also directly linked to impacting your overall health. Poor oral hygiene is known to cause serious medical conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, if gum disease develops. If you have had poor dental health or oral habits in the past, it is never too late to recommit to the health of your teeth and gums. As your family dentist in Waterbury, we encourage you to make a new resolution this year. With the start of the new year, make your oral health a priority.

Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day

Your home oral hygiene routine is vital to your dental health. You need to brush your teeth twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. You need to brush all surfaces of the teeth for two minutes each session. By doing so, you will remove food particles that can cause cavities, while also preventing accumulations of plaque and tarter, which can lead to gum disease.

Floss Your Teeth Daily

In addition to brushing your teeth, you need to floss your teeth daily. Flossing removes trapped food particles and plaque buildup from in between the teeth and around the gum line. If these accumulations are not removed each day, you increase your risk for gum disease.

Choose an ADA approved dental floss to floss in between each tooth. Form a ā€œCā€ shape around each tooth and extend the floss to the gum line and then back up to the top of the tooth. While it does not matter if you floss before or after you brush, most people tend to floss at night to prevent bacteria from multiplying while sleeping.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

The American Dental Association recommends everyone over the age of two visits the dentist twice a year for a preventive appointment. Even with the best home oral care, you still need to have your teeth professionally cleaned twice a year. In addition to a cleaning, a comprehensive examination is performed to ensure your teeth and gums stay healthy. During a routine appointment, we may detect an area of concern or early damage. With early detection, we can quickly treat the problem to restore oral healthy to prevent a costly and invasive procedure in the future.

Protect Your Smile for Damage

To ensure your smile stays healthy, you need to protect your teeth from damage. Limit your consumption of sugary or starchy foods and drinks, which increase your risk for tooth decay. In addition, if you participate in sports, be sure to wear an athletic mouthguard provided by your dentist.

Commit to Your Smile

As the new year begins, start the year with a bright, healthy smile. Contact Waterbury Smiles to schedule an appointment for preventive care. Together, we will create a plan to promote your dental health throughout the year.

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