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26 Lakeside Blvd E
Waterbury, CT 06708
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Resolution for Better Dental Health with Your Dentist in Waterbury

December 24, 2016

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: — drmarini @ 11:57 pm

Your dentist in Waterbury for better dental health.Your oral health plays a large role in your quality of life, as well as your overall health. Poor dental health can lead to imperfections in your smile, causing your confidence to decrease. Your dental health is also directly linked to impacting your overall health. Poor oral hygiene is known to cause serious medical conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, if gum disease develops. If you have had poor dental health or oral habits in the past, it is never too late to recommit to the health of your teeth and gums. As your family dentist in Waterbury, we encourage you to make a new resolution this year. With the start of the new year, make your oral health a priority.

A Guide to Brushing and Flossing from Your Family Dentist Waterbury

November 30, 2015

father and daughter brushing teeth thanks to tips from the family dentist waterbury trustsWhen it comes to taking care of smiles, the Waterbury Smiles dentists and team love getting to see patients twice a year for checkups and teeth cleanings, but without thorough, effective at-home hygiene, patients are unable to achieve and maintain optimal oral health. While most people know the basics (brush twice a day and floss once), there are a few key changes that can take any at-home hygiene routine from adequate to awesome.