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Dentist in Waterbury Stops Tooth Sensitivity with a Root Canal

March 22, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drmarini @ 6:08 pm

Your dentist in Waterbury for a root canal.If you are experiencing a constant or severe toothache or extreme hot or cold sensitivity, it can be an indication of a root canal infection. When the inner most layer of the tooth, known as the pulp, becomes infected, it can lead to severe pain and discomfort. To treat the infection to restore the health of the tooth, root canal therapy is needed to remove the pulp. As a premier dentist in Waterbury, our experienced staff can give you the relief you need.

Why is a Root Canal Necessary?

Your tooth contains a hard-outer layer, known as the enamel. When a cavity in the enamel forms, it needs to be quickly treated to prevent it from spreading into the underlying layer, known as the dentin. If the tooth decay is not treated and extends beyond the dentin, it will eventually reach the pulp. Once this occurs, the pulp will become inflamed and infected.

After the pulp has been compromised, there are many painful symptoms that develop, such as tooth sensitivity, severe pain, and swelling of the gums. However, the discomfort produced is not the only concern. If the tooth is not treated immediately, the infection in the root can spread to the gums and into the bloodstream, causing serious health concerns. If you are in pain, you need to contact Waterbury Smiles to have a consultation for the root canal procedure.

What is Root Canal Therapy?

A root canal is a restorative procedure that removes the pulp of the tooth to reestablish the tooth’s health. Using a local anesthesia to numb the area, the areas of damage and decay are removed. Specialized tools are used to extract the pulp and to clean the root canals. The tooth is then sterilized prior to being sealed with a special material known as gutta percha. This is necessary to prevent future bacteria growth in the tooth.

After your procedure is complete, the health of the tooth will be restored and your discomfort will subside. However, to repair the function and appearance of the tooth, you will need a dental crown. A dental crown is a cap that is placed over a tooth. This not only adds another layer of protection but allows you to regain function of the tooth. Using natural-looking materials, the dental crown will look like a natural tooth to maintain an attractive smile.

Where Can I Get a Root Canal?

When you need a root canal, many are immediately hesitant to undergo the procedure. Although you may be tempted to put off the procedure, you do not want to delay care. The longer you wait to have the tooth treated, the more severe the infection will become.

If you need a root canal in Waterbury, you have nothing to fear. New advancements in dentistry make root canals no worse than a traditional dental filling. At Waterbury Smiles, we use the best methods in restorative dentistry and elite technology to provide comfortable, effective results.

Contact Waterbury Smiles today to schedule your consultation to stop the pain.


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