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Your Trusted Dentist in Waterbury for Full Mouth Reconstruction

June 16, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarini @ 11:17 pm

Choose the best dentist in Waterbury for full mouth reconstruction.If your teeth have suffered significant damage that affects their appearance and function, you may feel like the complications are too severe to be reversed. However, this is not the case. You can benefit from full mouth reconstruction with your dentist in Waterbury. This involves rehabilitating your oral health and capabilities using specific dental procedures. At Waterbury Smiles, we will perform a comprehensive examination to create a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs.

What is Full Mouth Reconstruction?

Full mouth reconstruction is a process that is used to repair damaged teeth to restore your dental health. In addition, it allows you to regain natural functions that are needed for chewing while also increasing your confidence with an attractive smile.

The process involves more than just dental crowns or fillings. It uses specific treatments for systemic restoration, repairs, or replacement of damaged teeth. No matter if your smile has suffered the consequences of trauma, oral cancer, poor dental hygiene, or another underlying condition, like grinding of the teeth, a full mouth reconstruction will significantly improve your quality of life.

What is Involved with the Procedure?

The process to rehabilitate your dental health is customized to meet your individual needs. As a result, the procedures used will be tailor specifically to you. Your treatment plan may involve one or more procedures that can include:

Periodontal Therapy: Untreated gum disease significantly damages the teeth. Periodontal therapy uses specific treatments, like scaling and root planing, to stop the infection while preventing future complications.

Dental Restorations: Crowns, inlays, and onlays are used to repair teeth that have suffered serious damage.

Root Canal Therapy: A tooth that has experienced significant decay can be saved from extraction with a root canal. This removes the areas of damage while a dental crown is placed over the tooth to restore its function.

Tooth Replacement: When you have missing teeth, your ability to eat, speak, and smile confidently decline. Partial and full dentures are a convenient and effective solution to fill the space of lost teeth.

Bone and Tissue Grafting: There are many issues that can lead to the loss of bone and gum tissue, such as from tooth loss and gum disease. By grafting new tissue, you will improve your oral health. In some cases, this is needed along with other procedures, like dental implants.

Orthodontic Services: The alignment of your teeth can hurt the function of your jaw, leading to pain and discomfort. Orthodontics can realign your teeth to promote a more natural bite while making it easier to care for your smile. In addition, your jaw may need to be repositioned.

Porcelain Veneers: When the teeth have significant appearance flaws, porcelain veneers will cover the defects to improve the beauty of your smile. The simple and noninvasive procedure provides drastic, lasting results.

Where Can I Get a Smile Makeover?

Waterbury Smiles is the trusted choice in the area for full mouth reconstruction. If you are ready to improve your oral health and confidence, contact our office today to schedule a consultation

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