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Your Dentist in Waterbury Discusses the Oral-Systemic Connection

July 14, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drmarini @ 7:37 pm

The dentist in Waterbury knows that a healthy mouth leads to a healthy body. Everyone knows that what you put in your mouth impacts your health and well being. You can eat whole grains and fresh produce or white bread and potato chips. You can choose to smoke cigarettes—or not. But did you know that the health of your mouth itself plays an integral role in your overall health? Your dentist in Waterbury has several good ideas to help you enjoy a smile that is healthy and that helps you be healthy, too.

The Oral-Systemic Connection

The oral-systemic connection refers to the health link between your mouth and your body. Specifically, we’re talking about the bacteria in your mouth that cause periodontal disease. Bacteria live in plaque, which can be removed with daily oral hygiene care. However, if you don’t bush and floss well every day, then plaque builds up between your teeth and along the gum line. Eventually, plaque hardens to become tartar, or calculus. At this point, the bacteria are literally stuck and need to be removed with professional periodontal therapy. Otherwise, gum disease is likely; bacteria begin to destroy gum and connective tissue and even bone tissue with time.

A leading symptom of gum disease is bleeding gums, which can allow oral bacteria to enter your bloodstream and travel to other parts of your body. Similarly, you might inhale oral bacteria into your respiratory system. Consequently, the same bacteria that infect your gums may also make you more susceptible to:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Stroke
  • Heart Attack
  • Pneumonia
  • Depression
  • Dementia
  • Pregnancy Complications

Oral Health and Your Body’s Health

Daily brushing and flossing go a long way toward helping you keep your mouth in tip-top condition so your body stays healthy, too. When you brush and floss, you literally wash away the bacteria that can be so problematic for your smile and your body.

But your daily at-home oral hygiene routine just isn’t enough. You also need to schedule regular dental checkups every six months with your family dentist in Waterbury. Yes, you can remove plaque when you brush on your own, but spots of tartar can only be removed during a professional cleaning in our office. We also examine your gums for the early warning signs of disease so that treatment can begin sooner rather than later if necessary.

Select a Healthy Diet

Another important step in your quest for oral and overall health is choosing your foods and beverages wisely. You and your family should eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. These not only provide your body with essential nutrients, but also help to scrub plaque away as you chew. Also, be sure to include dairy products that are a good source of calcium. Steer away from highly acidic foods, soft drinks and candy, which all make your teeth more susceptible to decay.

Contact Our Office Today

Dr. Marini and Dr Mancini take your oral and overall health very seriously. We’ll be happy to help you create a plan that helps you take care of your body as your care for your smile. Call our office today.

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