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The Benefits of Dentures in Waterbury

September 10, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarini @ 4:43 pm

Learn more about the benefits of dentures in Waterbury.Missing most or all of your teeth can greatly affect the quality of your life. Eating, talking, and smiling become difficult and embarrassing, and many patients begin to feel hopeless about their situation. Your team at Waterbury Smiles wants you to know that there is hope, and we can help! You have options, and here we’ll discuss the benefits of dentures in Waterbury.

What is a Denture?

A denture is a removable appliance, typically made of acrylic that is designed to replace an entire arch of teeth with natural looking prosthetic teeth. Dentures utilize a snug fit, suction, and sometimes a dental adhesive to stay in place. They not only restore your teeth, but also change the appearance of your face, and patients appreciate being able to reclaim their smiles again.

A partial denture is also a removable appliance that fills in the spaces left by missing teeth much like a puzzle piece. It fits like a retainer, and is a great option for patients who still retain a good number of healthy teeth. Partials snap into place and are anchored with metal clasps for a secure fit.

What is an Implant Supported Denture?

Traditional dentures do take some getting used to when you first begin to wear them. They can often move or feel like they’re slipping when you talk and eat. Sometimes they have to be relined to improve or retain a secure fit.

Dental implants have completely revolutionized the way that patients are wearing dentures. By strategically placing a few dental implants into your bone, your denture can be designed to snap into them, which provides a secure and stable foundation with no movement or slippage. Implants can also be used to support partials and dental bridges.

By placing dental implants into your bone, it helps to keep your bone healthy and stimulated, which eliminates the resorption, or deterioration that occurs when your roots are missing. Traditional dentures don’t provide this benefit; in fact wearing traditional dentures can accelerate bone loss in some cases.

At Waterbury Smiles, Dr. Luciano Marini and Dr. Mancini can help you determine which type of replacement is best for your needs. We’ll start with a consultation where we can discuss your goals and desires for your teeth, so we can create a plan that fits your lifestyle, needs and budget.

Contact our office today to learn more about reclaiming your smile.

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